The Opening School Facilities (OSF) fund is a three-year programme of investment from the Department for Education (DfE) with the goal of opening up school facilities beyond the typical school day, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. This programme is delivered through a consortium led by the Active Partnership Organisation, in collaboration with Street Games, UK Active, the Youth Sport Trust, and 43 local Active Partnerships.
From the outset, the DfE set measurable targets, including participant ‘throughput’ of young people and community users (18+). However, the consortium has committed to a set of principles, one of which is sustainability. By the end of Year 3, the aim is to ensure that any school benefiting from OSF can continue to open their facilities to both direct users (pupils) and indirect users (the wider community) beyond the immediate school day.
As we approach the final year of funding, there is a renewed focus on sustainability and an increased emphasis on Continuing Professional Development (CPD), particularly for School Business Managers. Through initial discussions within the consortium and engagement with members of the OSF working group, we aspire to develop a small series of webinars (approximately 4 – 6) that can be accessed live or as recordings. These webinars will be available to colleagues in schools receiving OSF funding and those looking to expand their community offerings.
Nicky Affleck Consultancy is proud to lead the creation and delivery of this webinar series on behalf of the Youth Sport Trust and the wider OSF consortium. The webinars are scheduled to commence at the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year.
