November 30, 2023
November Inside Scoop
Out and About
Nicky was proud to represent This Mum Runs at the Vitality Partner Summit at Lords Cricket Ground!
Content Focus
This month our content focussed on the importance of Inspiring & Leading Change. What it means, how to go about it and some of the things we should consider when looking to drive real change!
Thought Leadership
Nickys’ thought leadership pieces took a closer look at the Power of Connected Communities and Driving Change Through Collaboration
If you missed it, you can find it on our blog page here.
Our Year 2 Quarter 1 newsletter has dropped.
Don't worry if you missed it; you can join our Purpose-Powered Circle and get your copy by following the link in our bio or subscribing on LinkedIn.
Contract Wrap Up
This month Nicky concluded her time as Strategic Lead for Place at London Sport.
Thank you to the London Sport team!
What's in Store Next Month?
In December, we're diving into the world of Community Engagement and Social Impact. Stay tuned for hints and tips on best practices!