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Katie Legg

Commercial Director

@ Cycling UK

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Our Coaching Clients


"I worked with Nicky in 2022 as my coach as I considered where to take my career after five hard years working in mental health during the pandemic. Nicky was a consistent ear to me, helping me think through the bigger picture and work logically through all the steps to get to where I want to be.


More than anything she was inspiring and motivational which is an incredible help when there is so much to consider. I’m really happy to say I’m now nine months into my next role in my career at Cycling UK and without doubt, I am grateful to Nicky for all the help and support she gave me in getting here."


"Meeting regularly for coaching sessions with Nicky propelled me to develop and improve my CV, enhance my LinkedIn profile and connect with like-minded people in the sports industry.


With Nicky’s advice and coaching, I feel better equipped to put myself forward for new opportunities and apply for exciting roles within my field of work. If you are feeling lost or stagnant in your career, want to develop your skills or just need a little boost, Nicky is the coach for you!"

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Grace Clarke

Head of Student Communities & Partnerships

@ LSE Students Union

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